Network Plan

A health plan that contracts with doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and other health care providers to provide members of the plan with services and supplies at a discounted price. A “Network” plan is a variation on a PPO plan. With a Network plan you’ll need to get your medical care from doctors or hospitals in the insurance company’s network, if you want your claims paid at the highest level. You will probably not be required to coordinate your care through a single primary care physician, as you would with an HMO, but it’s up to you to make sure that the health care providers you visit participate in the network. Services rendered by out of network providers may not be covered or may be paid at a lower level. A Network plan may be right for you if: Your favorite doctor already participates in the network. You want some freedom to direct your own health care but don’t mind working within a network of preferred providers.

Related Resources

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Discounts now available on dental, Rx, and vision services.